Monday, November 21, 2011

"A lack of a daily tonic of gratitude results in an anemic soul, which, in turn, contributes to a physical sense of listlessness. A grateful soul, on the other hand, is vibrant and animated and so permeates your body with zest and with an enjoyment of a life littered with gifts."
~~ Edward Hays

The celebration of Thanksgiving offers us the opportunity to connect with the moments that are present, recognize simple and daily abundances, reflect with a grateful heart on the joyful experiences of living, and celebrate the goodness of bounty.

The beauty of this holiday is that the celebration does not have to be reserved for one day a year. We connect with our sense of bounty and abundance when we practice an “attitude of gratitude” on a daily basis. This is a ritual of celebration that we can carry with us all year through.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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